advancing Collective

liberation through


and trauma-informed


healing individuals & communities

  • Supporting sustainable community growth through ancestral embodiment and deepening relationships.


i l a y a is a term in Tagalog that means the interior part of town. In Batangas, it can sometimes mean “north”—but in usage, this word is used relationally. It is “north of…” or “north in relationship to…”.

ILAYA.CO believes that our north should be defined by each person individually. It should reflect our own interior landscape, and be defined in relation to our own values, our community, and our collective liberation.


  • 1:1 Healing services

    Deepen your relationship with yourself and your ancestors through energy work (Reiki), breathwork, or Akashic records

  • Services for bipoc leaders

    Align ancestral guidance with your professional and community work through Intuitive Development, Grant Writing, and Coaching

  • Support for organizations

    Prioritize healing and sustainability at your organization through Healing-Centered consulting, Community engagement strategy, Retreat facilitation, and Organizational leadership development